Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tomorrow Is The Day

We just got the call from our doctor's office and they are so awesome! They worked so hard to get the girls in earlier and they did - they go in for surgery tomorrow at noon. Although Delilah doesn't go completely under, I guess she is under the same regimen as Mikayla and neither can have anything to eat after midnight. So my plan is to have them take a nap this afternoon and then let them stay up till around ten or 10:30 pm so they could eat one more huge snack/small meal. Hopefully that will keep them full till surgery time. The hardest part will be the no fluids. Ugh!! When Daddy gets home today, we will take a field trip to the store so Mikayla can pick out jello and pudding and popsicles she will want to eat for the first couple of days.


Sara said...

I'm so sorry you guys are going through all of this. I'm hoping and praying for the best.

susan stumpf said...

I am praying for you guys and hope everything went well with the surgery. I miss you Mac and will get in to school soon. Deanna hope April is good to go to the zoo, after Bridget is off and I can give her a break. Take care and God Bless, Sue