Thursday, December 27, 2007

Learning to Ride

Nana, Papa, and Tia arrived yesterday just in time for dinner.  Mikayla showed her love and gratitude for them coming up by giving everyone some "sugah".
Today, we took the girls over to the school across the street so they could show Papa their bike riding skills.  Hey, maybe we will get the training wheels off before next Christmas!!  They got the stop and go down to a tee now.  All I have to say is THANK YOU for helmets!!  Delilah had her first fall today and although it was a small fall (turning a corner a little too fast), when she fell, her helmet hit the ground.  But with the help of her Papa, she was right back on the bike and going full speed ahead!

Here is Papa chasing Mikayla with Delilah in the background.
Papa giving Delilah a little push.
Mikayla so proud of her big girl bike.
Delilah so proud of her big girl bike.

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