Friday, August 29, 2008

Another Trip to the State Fair

The girls enjoyed the fair so much that we headed back as soon as Nana and Papa came up for Labor Day weekend.  It was so hot that weekend, we left at 9:30 am on Friday just so we could get there when they opened and Caitlin stayed at home with Nana and Papa.  This time we definitely spent more money but it still wasn't too bad.  It is just sad how quick $20 worth of ride tickets goes!!  We stayed for several hours and the girls had fun but were very excited to get home and jump in the pool!

I came home from doing some stuff at church and I found the girls camping in our living room with Nora.  

The girls and Daddy - may the force be with you!!

Delilah checking out a fire truck.

Mikayla petting some goats.


Anonymous said...

Three weeks without any updates, I was going through withdrawals! So glad to see their smiling faces again. Sending love all the way from Sunny Florida! Tonya

Anonymous said...

ok, so maybe it was only 10 days...but it felt like love you guys! xoxo tonya