Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day Weekend

Father's Day fell on both Saturday and Sunday since we wouldn't be home on Sunday.  We were invited to our friends' cabin for the weekend so we made breakfast for daddy on Saturday and then later that afternoon, headed up to Nevada City to spend time with the Newsom clan.  

The weekend was a whirlwind but it was so beautiful up in the mountains.  Of course, their cabin is absolutely beautiful and inviting.  It was a little too "woodsy" for Mikayla.  Her and Delilah went down to play with the Newsom kids on the trampoline at the cabin and next thing we hear is blood-curling screams.  Thinking Mikayla fell off the trampoline or a bear was in front of them, we ran to the deck to see what wrong.  She had a BUG on her!!!  Then the poor princess got her leg scratched up by plants walking down the hill to swing on the rope swing that Steve hung up.  She said if she comes up to the cabin again, she will stay inside!! :-)  We told her that we will come better prepared with better shoes as well as pants so plants don't scratch her up.  

The girls made their own wrapping paper
Daddy getting love on Father's Day (well, the day before)
The two babies at the Newsom cabin (Gwen is their new yellow lab puppy)
What is the beautiful outdoors?  We got leapster and nintendo!!
Michael and Steve "sharing" their Shrimp Alexander that they made together.  (Look at the beautiful background scenery - sorry - I never actually took a picture of the beautiful view)
Look it's Supergirl!  Oh no - that is just Delilah swinging like Tarzan
Michael and Popcorn, just taking it all in.  
Yes - Popcorn actually came with us - she was so awesome up there - never ran away and loved playing with Gwen.  Thank you Steve and Laura for letting us bring her!
Mikayla swinging through the trees.


Julie@My5monkeys said...

looks like a fun time

Laura Ellen said...

These are fun pictures! I love the girls swinging in the trees.